Covid-19 has meant that business leaders have had to go through an enormous period of personal growth and development in a very short period of time. Some of the greatest leaders of our time, who will be remembered as part of the Covid-19 legacy, will not be the world leaders striving for the spotlight, promoting their ego, driving fear, anxiety and chaos, but the ones who made a positive difference by putting others before themselves, showing compassion and humility.
A strong leader should be able to motivate their team, be a positive, creative force and take responsibility for the situation to reassure others, while being honest about the challenges ahead. They should be an excellent communicator, be adaptable and flexible, have trust in their team and be able to delegate and be committed to the cause. And most of all, they have to be able to rise above the fear and show strength. 1

As people adjust and learn to live with the new norm, the fear and anxiety calm, and we learn a new way of life, we adjust and adapt learning from those who seem to shine at this moment in what is the best way forward in this new unknown world, and how can we be positive and flourish.
It isn’t that these business leaders know what to do, it’s that they have been able to make the leap and are thinking of others before themselves. They are considering the wellbeing of others and what will make a positive difference to them – regardless of whether it is in a professional or personal capacity.
Leaders are those who can see where people are faltering and are there to offer support and guidance, even when they themselves haven’t got a compass telling them what to do, but can put aside their own problems and fears and offer encouragement to others.
Leadership skills which are largely overlooked are the soft skills include understanding people, listening, compassion and empathy. Providing solutions and putting your team before yourself – acting as the shepherd is something both Barak Obama and Nelson Mandela referenced during their leadership. This doesn’t reduce the people to sheep, rather the opposite – their point was about leaders should show humility and care as guides and protectors. Those who are this visionary will have greater visibility of their team’s potential and therefore far greater ability to innovate. 2
At Rooster Punk we have long championed the human approach to business, and the need for brands to rewrite their story, we are now seeing it in action, the world is changing, and we are being guided to a different business era, with a new style of leader.
Over the last 2 months it has been a difficult time for businesses who have, like people, lived with a sense of fear and anxiety for the future. World leaders have shown that they are not sure of the correct path, been indecisive, and have not always been honest about the extent of the pandemic. The result is the fear we feel about our health, our families and friends, and being in lockdown is tripled for business leaders concerned with financial pressures, job securities and difficult decisions.
The economy, business stability, the cost of Covid-19 on industry and how or when it will reignite are unknown. The unanswered question of what the future will be, is uncomfortable, and we are looking for reassurance, and more, not from the government, but those in our business community, work community and physical community who are showing leadership and authority to help guide us through, giving us hope and ideas of a different way.