Instead of taking the classic ‘peace of mind’ approach to group life cover, YuLife focuses on wellness – gamifying exercise and mindfulness to get employees engaged in healthy competition with one another.
Our brief was to help YuLife to reach SMBs. We created a story-led campaign built on the story ‘business needs heart’ – inspired in part by their mascot, Yugi the giraffe. (In case you didn’t know, giraffes have the biggest hearts of all land animals.) Our story, which explores the combination of compassion and courage that businesses need in today’s climate, underpins a campaign that speaks to the different needs of four buyer personas.
In a departure from the brand’s previous activity, we’ve introduced Yugi into ‘real world’ scenes, pairing the images with quirky headlines to create a unique, human and memorable campaign. We hope you enjoy this case study about YuLife!